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  3. Analyzing Landing Page Performance

Analyzing Landing Page Performance

Understanding the performance of your landing pages is crucial for optimizing your marketing efforts and achieving exceptional results.

In this article, we’ll explore how to effectively analyze landing page performance, interpret key metrics, and take action based on insights gained.

Follow the steps below to learn about how to access your landing page statistics.

  1. Go to Landing Pages
  2. Locate and click on the landing page you would like to analyze the statistics of.
  3. When on the Analytics page, select the date range you would like to analyze the performance for.
  4. Start analyzing your landing page performance including all of its variants.

In the landing page analytics page you will be able to effortlessly look at all the important statistics of your landing page like:

  • Landing page variant performance.
  • Traffic breakdown by device type.
  • Traffic breakdown by referrer.
  • Traffic breakdown by countries.
  • Traffic breakdown by cities.

You can break down your landing page statistics by Page Views, Visitors, Conversions, Clicks and Leads.

Updated on May 23, 2024

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